Christ Lutheran Orland Park Welcomes You
Welcome to the Family
At Christ Lutheran Orland Park, we're here to guide you through your daily growth in God's Word, to help you understand His purpose for you, and to aid you in dealing with the pressures the world offers every day.
You can find bulletins, calendars, recorded services, staff, fellowship opportunities, and more on the other side of our online presence here.
You can find information about our C.L.E.W.S. Preschool program on their page here.
We are located at 14700 S. 94th Ave. Orland Park, Il 60462
Services are 5:00 PM Saturdays, 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Sundays.
Sunday School is 10:00 AM Sundays.
Our 10:00 AM service is also live-streamed via Facebook and Youtube.
Stir up love and good works
Hebrews 10:24
Christ Lutheran Family Ministries
Sunday School &
Noah's Nursery
10:00 am, September 8th
It's time for a new Sunday School year to start! Registration opens August 1st, for children 3 years old to 6th grade.
Sunday School will kick off with Rally Day on September 8th, at the 10 am service; children will stay with their families during the service, and afterward, everyone is invited for food in the gym and fun and fellowship as we meet the teachers in their classrooms.
Questions? Contact Heather Green at
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
Confirmation Instruction classes for 7th and 8th graders begin in September; make sure your child is registered and that the church office has their name, address, and an email to send along information.
Please note that classes are required to receive the Rite of Confirmation!
If you have questions you can contact the church office.
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is our monthly effort to collect non-perishable food items for area food pantries.
This month’s donations will be given to St. Matthew’s Soup Kitchen. September is Mac n’ Cheese month!
Irene's Garden
Everyone is welcome at any time to come pick from the garden in the back of the church by the pavilion! Bags and scissors are available in the storage bench for your convenience. Enjoy!